Sunday, March 27, 2011


Yoghurt Pancake

1 egg
1/2 tub plain yoghurt
2 tblsp sugar
100 gm floor
1/3 tsp baking powder
50 cc water

Mix everything in a bowl.
The batter should come up to a fairly thick consistency.
Heat a flat non-stick pan over very slow fire.
Use a serviette to coat the pan with olive oil.
Scoop the batter and drop a ladle full of it onto the pan.
Let one side cook, then flip the pancake over to cook the other side.
When both sides are done, remove from pan and serve.

lempeng kelapa

tepung gandum ( dalam 3 ~ 4 senduk )
sedikit garam
kelapa parut ( jangan diperah )
2 ~ 3 sudu susu pekat manis
air sejuk secukupnyer

satukan kesemua bahan di atas..kacau hingga sebati...
panaskan kuali...letakkan sedikit minyak ke dalam kuali..masukkan 1 senduk adunan tadi dan ratakan..
ikut suker la nak tebal @ nipis...apabil abhgian bawah dah garing terbalikkan lempeng tu...bagi atas dan bawah masak sekata....siap utk dihidang...

p/s : lempeng kelapa sedap kalau dimakan dgn gula pasir @ gula merah...dgn sambal tumis pun sodap!!!


1 1/2 cups (185 g/6 oz)
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp caster sugar
pinch of salt
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup (250 ml/8 fl oz) milk
60 g (2 oz) butter, melted
100g (3 1/3 oz) butter, whipped (with electric beaters or a wooden spoon)
maple syrup to serve.


1. Sift the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt into a bowl and make a well in the centre. Mix together the eggs, milk and butter in a jug and pour into the well all at once. whisking to form a smooth batter. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set the batter aside for 20 minutes.

2.Heat a frying pan and brush lightly with melted butter or oil. Pour 1/4 cup (60ml/ 2fl oz) batter in the pan and swirl gently. Cook over low heat,until underside is golden.

3. serve the pancakes stacked warm or cold with whipped butter and maple syrup.


1/2 cup ( 60g/ 2 oz) self raising flour
1/2 cup plain flour
2 tsp mixed spice
1/2 tsp ground cardamon
1 tbsp soft brown sugar
1 cup (250 ml/8 fl oz) milk
2 eggs
fresh raspberries, to serve


1/3 cup (90 g/3oz) sour cream
2 tbsp plain yoghurt
1 tbsp honey or maple syrup
1/4 ground cinnamon

Cara membuat sama saperti resepi diatas.

To make Cinnamonm Cream

Mix all the ingredients together in a small bolw. Cover and refrigerate

Pancake Oat
Tak ingat kat mana ambik resepi nih... dah selalu buat n alter mana yg patut dah,

1/2 cawan susu cair
2 sudu besar susu pekat manis
4-5 sudu besar oatmeal
1 biji telur
sedikit baking powder
garam skit
sedikit serbuk kayu manis
Tepung gandum dlm satu cawan (jgn habiskan, depends pada kepekatan bancuhan)

Masukan semua bahan diatas (kecuali tepung gandum) kedalm blender. blend sampai sebati. then masukan tepung gandum. agak2 jgn sampai pekat sangat.
Goreng atas non-stick frying pan yg di letakn dengan sedikit butter.
Letak dalam 2-3 sudu besar setiap kali goreng (supaya nipis) sampai habis adunan
Bole dimakan begitu sahaja or di sapu peanut butter/kaya/nutella n digulung or dilipat.

Oat tu boleh jugak di ganti dengan pisang berangan

Biaser buat sekali ngan anak rimbun. so dia mmg seronok memasak n makan hasil masakn dia.

3 biji telur
3 cwan tepung(ayak)
11/2 cawan gula
11/4 butter/majerin
21/2 cawan susu
1-2camt baking powder
sedikit garam

Campurkan semua bahan dlm blender.
Panaskan waffle maker & sendukkan adunan tadi.
Serve with syrup or ice cream

125gm butter (cairkan)
1.5 cawan tepung naik sendiri
0.5 cawan tepung gandum
0.25 cawan gula
1.25 cawan susu
2 biji telur saiz sederhana (asingkan kuning)
Esen vanila (optional)
secubit garam

1. Ayak tepung dan garam
2. Pukul telur putih dengan separuh dari gula
3. Bekas lain, pukul telur kuning dengan separuh lagi gula
4. Masukkan sedkit demi sedikit adunan tepung ke adunan kuning telur tadi, diselang seli dengan susu. Kemudian masukkan butter.
5. Campurkan adunan tadi dengan telur putih tadi.
6. Masukkan esen vanilla.
7. Campurkan sampai sebati (guna mixer)
8. Panaskan waffle maker. Masukkan satu senduk... tutup... bila dah kuning emas... boleh la keluarkan dan makan dengan maple syrup atau aiskrim.

2 Eggs
2 Tablespoons Sugar
1 Teaspoon Salt
1/2 Cup Oil
1 Package Active Dry Yeast
1/2 Cup Warm Water
2 Cups Milk
3 Cups Flour
Dissolve yeast in 1/2 cup warm water....chemp gunakan air biasa

Scald milk and cool.

In a large mixing bowl, beat eggs well, then add other ingredients.
Stirring until mixture is blended. Then beat until the batter is smooth.

The batter may be stored in a large fruit juice container so that it does
not rise over the top.

This will keep in refrigerator for a long time.

4 sudu tepung gandum
4 sudu susu tepung
1 butir telur
secubit garam
1/2 sudu kecik baking powder
Air secukup pekat/cair

Bhn tambahan:

Campur sumer, kacau sampai rata. kasi belen pekat ngan cair dia.
Nana ceduk pakai senduk utk kuah tu, satu senduk = 1 keping
goreng dlm kuali biasa je... insya allah sodap.
Sodap lagi kalu cicah susu manis (org kg ekekek) atau apa2 syrup . Jgn air sirup lak. kang tak sesuai...... ekekekek